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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

The Unit Titles that relate to the Trinity Strand are:

1 & 2
3 & 4
5 & 6
7 & 8
9 & 10

For Creation, Praise

Followers of Jesus

Celebrating the Gift of the Spirit

Creation and Our Responsibility

Who is Jesus in the Gospels? ( To be written)

Pentecost - Celebrating the Spirit

The Kingdom of God

Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ

Caring for Creation ( To be written)

The Language of Beauty

Jesus: Human and Divine ( To be written)


The Content of the Curriculum Framework for the Trinity Strand is below:

1 & 2
3 & 4
5 & 6
7 & 8
9 & 10
Doctrinal Concepts

God is a loving creator and continues to give us life. (239, 337, 338)
God loves each of us. (219, 733)

God is always with us. (301, 205, 209)
God is experienced in other people’s love for us. (41) God invites us to respond in love. (2196, 2822)

Jesus teaches us that God is our Father. (240)

Jesus is a member of a family. (531, 533)
Mary is the mother of Jesus. (488, 502, 508)

Jesus is our friend. (1972) Jesus shows us the way God wants us to live (1716)

The Holy Spirit helps us to know God. (244, 683,684)

God is a loving creator and continues to give us life. (239, 337, 338)
God loves each of us. (219, 733)

God is always with us. (301, 205, 209)
God is experienced in other people’s love for us. (41) God invites us to respond in love. (2196, 2822)

Jesus teaches us that God is our Father. (240)

Jesus is a member of a family. (531, 533)
Mary is the mother of Jesus. (488, 502, 508)

Jesus is our friend. (1972) Jesus shows us the way God wants us to live. (1716)

The Holy Spirit helps us to know God. (244, 683,684)

The Scriptures contain many stories and images that give us some insights about the mystery of God. (42, 214) We are created in God’s image. (355, 380)

God trusts us and forgives us. (219, 220)
God calls us to reach out in love to each other. (1706, 1822)

We are gifted and graced, able to share in the transforming life of God.(2003)

After Jesus’ death and resurrection people gathered in communities to remember Him and tell the story of His compassion and love.(767) Jesus is fully human and divine and shares His Spirit with us.(729, 743, 747)
Jesus is the Son of God and shows us the way God wants us to live. (561)
Jesus teaches us about healing, forgiveness and reconciliation.(588, 142) When we make sinful choices, Jesus understands and forgives us.(545, 549, 589)

The Holy Spirit gives us love, peace and strength. (238, 239, 240, 733, 734, 735, 736)

God entrusts us with the world and with the responsibility to reverence, develop, heal and celebrate life. (339)

The Reign of God is revealed through Jesus’ ministry of reconciliation, healing, justice and peace. (543-550)

God’s life and love are active in our world. (27)

Jesus is the Son of God, the Chosen One whom God promised. (436)
In his life, death and resurrection Jesus reveals the saving love of God and gives hope to the world. (653, 654) Jesus identified with the poor, the lonely, the sick and the outcast. (544)

The Holy Spirit, gift of Jesus, inspires and renews the Church community to live as Jesus did. (737)

We are challenged to create and renew our world enlivened by the Holy Spirit. (2415, 2441)

Our God is One – Father, Son and Holy Spirit who live in love. (218, 234, 202)

God reaches out to us in loving relationship. (30, 299) God has entered into a covenant with humankind. Jesus' life is a model of covenant love. (781)
Our relationship with God is damaged through sin when we choose to live for ourselves at the expense of others. (1849, 1850)
Jesus Christ reveals the forgiveness, compassion and mercy of God. (221)
We honour God by caring for all living things and our environment. (339, 340)

Jesus Christ showed us in the way he lived for others that He is God’s Word revealing who God is and how God wants us to live. (65)

Jesus Christ lived in a particular historical, social, political and religious context. (423)
Jesus Christ lived and proclaimed the values of the Reign of God and challenges us to discipleship. (561) Jesus Christ relates to others, especially the poor, with justice and compassion.(544, 545)

Jesus teaches us the triune God and we grow in understanding through the Holy Spirit. (9238-248)

God desires authentic liberation for all and the coming to fulfilment of the Reign of God. (74)

God calls us to life through the experience of joy, hope, grief and anxiety in our life. (1877, 1879)

The gift of God’s life empowers us to help bring about the Reign of God. (425)

Jesus Christ is understood and portrayed in many different ways in the rich history of the Christian tradition. (40, 42, 53, 94, 158, 174, 514)

Jesus Christ’s message of salvation in the Gospel is one of conversion, hope, liberation and love for all. (543-546)
Jesus Christ challenges us to recognise the selfishness, greed and unjust structures, which are manifestations of sin in the world. (1869)
Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit is the source of the Church’s unity. (813, 820)

We experience God’s life- giving grace through the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the Church and the world. (703, 737, 738)

God, who is a holy mystery, is revealed in and through creation, human experience, Scripture and the developing tradition of the Church. (50, 54)

God’s grace brings us life and inspires us to goodness. (1996)
Suffering and death find meaning in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. (1006)

The mystery of evil exists, and both conceals as well as reveals God. God does not abandon us in the midst of evil but suffers with us, calling us to struggle against evil. (312, 324)
Human destiny finds its fulfillment in God. (2566) God is revealed in Scripture and the developing tradition of the Church. (97)
Trinity of Being is a Community of Love calling us to love God, each other and the world. (81-82, 218, 234, 257, 259)

Jesus Christ is truly human and truly divine: The Word made Flesh. (464)
Christian theology names the mystery of Christ in various ways: The Wisdom of God, the Compassion of God. (436) Jesus Christ is central to our search for meaning and identity. (459)

Jesus Christ calls us to discipleship in which the work of liberation for all

people is continued. (1939, 1942)

Through the Holy Spirit we experience the transforming presence of God in our lives, in the Church and in the world. (863)

Enduring Questions  WHO IS GOD? (KNOWLEDGE)

Holy Spirit Questions



Achievement Standards: Students recognise God as loving, experienced in people and the world around us. They identify and describe how they experience God's love through other people’s words and actions and the world around them.

Students recognise Jesus as a human being who taught us how to show God’s love to the world. They explain how they can act as Jesus asks.

Students recognise God as loving, experienced in people and the world around us. They identify and describe how they experience God's love through other people’s words and actions and the world around them.

Students describe where they see wonder and awe in creation. They identify how they are able to care for aspects of creation.

Students describe what life was like for Jesus growing up in Nazareth. They identify and compare aspects of Jesus' life with their life as a child.

Students identify the role of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. They articulate ways in which the Holy Spirit can guide them today.

Students identify how they know God as Creator. They describe the need to care for the world.

Students identify Pentecost as a celebration of the Holy Spirit. They explore and describe the symbols within the Pentecost Story.

Students explore the role of the Holy Spirit in the mission of the Church. They identify how the Spirit guides them in their life. Students understand we are created in God’s image and called to membership of a loving community

Students explain that Jesus is present in the Church community and sends us the Holy Spirit to enliven and guide us.

Identify the Church as a community that celebrates the life and work of Jesus.

Students identify God's creative act of our universe through scripture. Students identify how they can actively respond to the call to care for and continue to work as co-creators in the world.

Students identify the different images of Jesus presented in the Gospels. They articulate the Christological perspective of Jesus in each Gospel. Students describe examples of Jesus’ ministry and mission articulated in the Gospels. Students identify Pentecost as the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to Jesus' disciples. They identify the symbols of Pentecost and their meaning for those who will continue the mission of Jesus.

Students identify and articulate the role of the Holy Spirit in the early Church and in their current context.

Students identify how Jesus’ life and teachings live out the Kingdom of God.

They describe ways in which they can live out the Kingdom of God.

Students articulate an understanding and appreciation of God, revealed in Jesus, as entering into a relationship with humankind and calling each of us to a personal response.

Students identify the ways in which humankind recognises God who desires fullness of life for all creation.

They explore contemporary ecological issues and describe a Christian response.

Students examine and analyse different images of, and insights into, the mystery of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Students examine the complexities of the human response to the revelation of God’s love and truth in human experience, in Jesus Christ, in Scripture, Tradition and in other religious traditions.

Students investigate and evaluate understandings of the mystery of Jesus Christ expressed in theological perspectives that offer meaning to human life.

Learning Foci

God loves us and is with us all the time.

Explore experiences that show other people’s love for

us and how we can love others.

God’s creation is awesome. We are called to care for all of God’s creation.

Begin to understand God as Creator.

Develop an understanding that God loves us and is with us all the time.
Become familiar with the life story of Jesus.

Develop an understanding of the Church as a believing, welcoming, serving, caring and celebrating community.

Appreciate the awesomeness of God’s creation.

Develop an understanding of ways they can care for the world.
Explore the person of Jesus in the context of His time and cultural setting.

Identify times in their lives where they may have been followers of Jesus.

Explore the story of Pentecost.

Identify how the Holy Spirit is present in the Church in our time.

Become familiar with the creation stories in Genesis.

Build on their understanding of responsible stewardship of all creation.
Explore the images of Jesus presented in each of the Gospels.

Build on their understanding of the significance of Pentecost as the beginning of the Church.

The mission of Jesus was to bring people to an understanding of how the kingdom of God is to be lived out.

To understand Jesus’ ministry, we need to understand the historical, social, political and geographical contexts of Jesus’ time.

Jesus shows us how to live in loving relationships with God and others.
The life and ministry of Jesus Christ reveals who God is.

Scripture and Tradition are the basis for developing an attitude of stewardship towards the Earth.

The resurrection of Jesus conveys the Christian hope of fullness of life with God. Christian understandings of the Easter experience are expressed in Christian burial rites and practices.

Religious ideas have been portrayed through a variety of artistic forms throughout Church history.

Theological understandings, historical and social perspectives are expressed in religious and secular art forms.

A range of scriptural perspectives contribute to an understanding of the identity and mission of Jesus of Nazareth.
Through the use of source materials, an understanding of the identity of Jesus of Nazareth has developed over time.