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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Title: The Kingdom of God

Year Level: 7 & 8

Strand: Trinity

Suggested Duration: 8 - 10 weeks (20 - 25 hours)

Enduring Questions: Where and how do we discover God? What does God ask of me? Invite me into?

On Screen Unit

pdf  Download PDF (220 KB)

Unit Outline:

In this unit students explore some of the foundational ideas of the Kingdom of God present in our world. Students will identify realistic and practical ways in which they can live the Kingdom of God in the world today.

Achievement Standards:

By the end of Year Eight students should be able to:
Identify how Jesus’ life and teachings live out the Kingdom of God.
Describe ways in which they can live out the Kingdom of God.

Unit Outcomes:

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Describe and explain how the concept of the Kingdom of God shaped the mission of Jesus as shown in his ministry.
  2. Investigate people who bring about the Kingdom of God in the world today.
  3. Reflect critically on how the Kingdom of God can be expressed in a practical way through action in the world.




Picture Story Book - Be Kind

Youtube Clip - Be Kind


  document Appendix 1A (17 KB)

  document Appendix 1B (17 KB)

  document Job Profile (12 KB)
