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    Inspired to make meaning of our world
    Through Art-Thinking and Art Making
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Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd acknowledges and pays respect to the original and ongoing custodians of all the lands upon which we live, learn, teach and create. We affirm this ancient and living culture and commit to actively working alongside First Nations people for healing, reconciliation and justice.

Welcome to the MacKillop Art Exhibition

The Mackillop Art Exhibition 2023 is the 14th diocesan celebration of art and meaning making in Sandhurst. It was first celebrated in 2010 to mark the canonisation of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. The exhibition is held in the magnificent Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bendigo as well as online.

Just under 300 artworks from 40 Catholic schools across the Sandhurst Diocese will be on show as part of this year’s Exhibition. Prizes are awarded for outstanding artworks in General Art and Spiritual Art categories across primary and secondary settings.

The MacKillop Art Exhibition is open in the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bendigo from 10 November 2023 to Saturday 26 November 2023, 10 am – 4.00 pm Wednesday to Saturday. The Cathedral is a public and prayerful space, and we ask patrons to be respectful of the sacred nature of the place in which we are privileged to hold our Exhibition.

The People’s Choice Award is an opportunity for family, friends and public to get involved and yet another chance for students to be recognised and to win prizes. You can vote for the Primary and Secondary People’s Choice Award winners by clicking on the voting form in the People’s Choice gallery. Voting closes at 11.59 pm on Sunday, 26th November 2023. Winners will be announced on Tuesday 28 November on the Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited Facebook page.

A Message from the Director

Our annual Mackillop Art Exhibition celebrates the creativity of our students and the inspiration, effort and determination of their teachers who support our students to thrive. This is what good educators do- help bring forth the creativity that lives within each of us. What a wonderful privilege this is for those of us who have devoted our professional lives to teaching.

Through this Exhibition, you see our young using their talents to tell their stories and, by so doing, we are all enriched, amazed by the creative genius that these young artists possess.
I thank all those teachers, parents and role models who have guided and motivated our students to create art for this year’s Mackillop Art Exhibition. You should feel great pride in your contribution to what we see in our young.

Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited values creativity as a vital component of a quality education and believes that opportunities for children to flourish in a creative space are fundamental. I take this opportunity to applaud the commitment of Mrs Claire Spinelli, my colleague and the curator of the Exhibition. Her co-ordination of this event has been commendable.

Congratulations to all the young people who have submitted artwork for the Exhibition and to their school leaders, teachers and parents for their hard work in supporting them to do so.

Enjoy the Exhibition.

Paul Desmond – Executive Director: Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd

A Message from the Curator

I continue to be inspired by the power of the Arts in our schools around Sandhurst to provide opportunities for our students to engage with their faith, identity, culture and community.

I am grateful to all the teachers of Art across the Diocese who guide their students through the process of Art-thinking and Art-making throughout the year, supporting them to flourish and make meaning of their world. I thank all the teachers for going the extra mile to participate in the Exhibition.

I extend my thanks to the leadership of our schools for their commitment to excellence and to the nourishment of the Arts in Sandhurst.

The Exhibition is not possible without the extensive support of my colleagues in the Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd office and for all the work that they do to ensure the success of the Exhibition, I am blessed and grateful.

To Mr Paul Desmond and the leadership of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd, I thank you for you unwavering support of The Arts in Sandhurst and for your recognition of the value of the Arts as an integral aspect of quality education.

Paul, I hope that fond memories of artistic celebrations will remain with you as you move beyond the world of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd. Thank you for your leadership, guidance and support, keeping the Arts well and truly alive in Sandhurst.

I am confident that the Sandhurst community will continue to nurture imagination, resourcefulness and originality.

With St Mary of The Cross MacKillop, I pray with gratitude for the chances we have had this year and that we look with faith, into the future.

Claire Spinelli – Education Officer: The Arts

Entering the MacKillop Art Exhibition

All Catholic primary and secondary schools in the Diocese of Sandhurst are invited to submit artwork to the Exhibition. If you would like more information about how you can be involved in 2024, please contact Claire Spinelli – Education Officer: The Arts, details below.


Claire Spinelli
Education Officer: The Arts
E:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
M: 0407 721 088