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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."
What is Evaluation?
It is important to establish that the aim of evaluation is to achieve informed decision making and ongoing improvement of the Religious Education curriculum to aid both the teacher in teaching and the learner in learning.
It is essential to differentiate that assessment is concerned with students, while evaluation is concerned with program/curriculum effectiveness.
In other words, an evaluation of a classroom program can help to discover ways to improve the program;
an evaluation can also help to determine whether the program is suitable or not
The terms evaluating and assessment are distinct: assessment refers to systematic attempts to determine a student’s achievements in the curriculum; evaluation aims to determine the merit and worth of the curriculum itself. An evaluation of a classroom program can help to discover ways to improve the program; an evaluation can also help to determine if the classroom program is delivering what it is intended to deliver.
Link to Bishops' Grant Research on Evaluation


spiral of inquiry