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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Title: Prophets and Saints

Year Level: 9 & 10

Strand: Christian Morality and Social Justice

Suggested Duration: 10 weeks (25 hours)

Enduring Questions: How are we called to contribute to the common good? How can I use my gifts for the common good?

On Screen Unit

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Unit Outline:

In this unit students investigate the life stories of people who strive to live out the message of Jesus. These people challenge, inspire and motivate us in our own time. The students will reflect on the lives of these prophets and saints as examples of Christian discipleship.

Achievement Standards:

By the end of Year Ten, students should be able to:

Examine Christian life as being informed by Church teaching, human development and conscience, and inspired by people of faith.

Unit Outcomes:

At the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Articulate an understanding of the terms ‘prophet’, saint’, ‘disciple’ and ‘mission’.
  2. Explore the life stories of people striving to follow Gospel values in their particular time and circumstances.
  3. Articulate how Mary and the saints are models for Christian life.
  4. Recognise some of the challenges and opportunities for living as prophets and saints in our world today.




 ReSource Website - The Book of Amos 

To Know, Worship and Love - Year 9
