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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Title: A Just World?

Year Level: 7 & 8

Strand: Christian Morality and Social Justice

Suggested Duration: 10 weeks (25 hours)

Enduring Questions: How are we called to contribute to the common good? How can I use my gifts for the common good?

On Screen Unit

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Unit Outline:

In this unit, students will investigate the concept of justice. Scripture and Church teachings will be examined to highlight ways to promote right relationships. Students are encouraged to develop an awareness of justice and injustice in the world today, and a challenge is issued for each student to act justly towards others and the world.

Achievement Standards:

By the end of Year Eight, the students should be able to:
Express an understanding and appreciation of Christian life as based on the life, teachings and values of Jesus Christ and as requiring informed decisions and appropriate actions.

Unit Outcomes:

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the Scriptural imperative for justice.
  2. Investigate the effects of self-centred personal choice on relationships with God, others and the earth.
  3. Investigate and analyse issues of injustice in the world today in the light of Church social teaching.
  4. Devise and participate in an action to promote justice in the school, local or wider community.


