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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Title: Responses to the Spirit

Year Level: Post Compulsory

Strand: Prayer and Discernment

Suggested Duration: 40 hours (1 semester)

Enduring Questions: What is prayer? How can I nurture my spirituality?

On Screen Unit

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Unit Outline:

In this unit students will appreciate the different ways that God is revealed and understand that different traditions of Christian spirituality and forms of prayer and meditation are a means of exploring, responding to, and touching the presence of God in human experience.

Achievement Standards:

By the end of Years Twelve:
Students examine prayer as growing in faithful relationship, listening, trusting and celebrating the living God.

Unit Outcomes:

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Describe and analyse a range of the ultimate questions of life.
  2. Engage in dialogue around a number of secular and diverse religious responses to these ultimate questions.
  3. Explore a variety of forms of spirituality as expressions of the human quest to encounter the mystery of God who is both within and beyond oneself.
  4. Describe and analyse various styles of Christian spirituality.
  5. Describe and practise various styles of Christian prayer.




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